Today’s modern business world is changing. Along with advancement in technology, there is a greater emphasis on the value of creativity as a means to generate efficiency and productivity.
With the focus of companies turned toward how they can boost their employees’ creativity, it’s more important than ever to incorporate creative work environments into the office. Not only can a creative space lead to innovation, but it can make employees more productive.
What is a Creative Space?
Creative Spaces are a concept developed by Steelcase and Microsoft intentionally designed to support the creative process. Most creative spaces are immersive environments that provide employees with the necessary tools, technology and resources they need to generate new ideas and move them forward.
Creative spaces also allow for multiple types of work to be done, whether it’s a collaborative project or an individual task. Including large and small spaces where employees can feel comfortable and work in their preferred style is essential for designing a creative space.
Productivity and Creativity in Employees
72 percent of workers believe their future success in a company relies on their ability to be creative. Many employees feel this way because creativity and the ability to generate new ideas is a metric of success in the modern workplace.
When employees are given the ability to express their individuality in their work and do so in a supportive environment, they report greater job satisfaction. Happy employees means productive employees—the employees that are the happiest at their jobs are 12 percent more productive than those who are unsatisfied with their work. This just goes to show that a little creativity in the office can go a long way when it comes to employee satisfaction and productivity.
Turning Your Office into a Creative Space
The best thing you can do to foster creativity and productivity in your office is to design a creative space where employees will innovate and generate new ideas. Turning your office into a creative space doesn’t have to be as hard as it sounds.
Simple things you can do to start creating your innovative space include rethinking your office furniture, your wall art, and the lighting. Start with surrounding your employees with things that will inspire and motivate them to create the best work possible. Even something as small as incorporating nature and plants into your office is an easy way to turn your workplace into a creative space.
For more ideas on how you can turn your office into a creative space, follow us on social
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